;+ ; ; Defines a structure useful in reading SAGE II DMP data using IDL's ; 'automatic' structure definition. (See help under the heading ; 'Automatic Structure Definition' in the IDL help documentation) ; ; To create one structure, execute the following ; ; IDL> struct={sage3_dmp_data} ; ; To create an array of structures, say a 100 by 200 array, do the ; following. ; ; ; IDL> struct=replicate({sage3_dmp_data},100,200) ; ;- PRO sage3_dmp_data__define,help=help,verbose=verbose struct = {sage3_dmp_data, $ event_id: 0l, $ ;; 6 digit event id, should match filename yr_day_tag: 0l, $ ;; YYYYMMDD flt_fill_value: 0.0, $ ;; 'bad data' value [1] geom_alt: fltarr(130), $ ;; altitude (km) ypos: fltarr(130), $ ;; latitude (deg) xpos: fltarr(130), $ ;; longitude (deg) sun_dir: fltarr(130), $ ;; theta: fltarr(130), $ ;; Potential temperature (K) tmpout: fltarr(130), $ ;; Analysis Temperature (K) delhtmp: fltarr(130), $ ;; Magnitude of horizontal temperature ;; gradient (K/km) losdtmp: fltarr(130), $ ;; T gradient along line of sight(K/km) hgtout: fltarr(130), $ ;; Analysis Geopotential Height (m) uout: fltarr(130), $ ;; Analysis Zonal Wind (m/s) vout: fltarr(130), $ ;; Analysis Meridional Wind (m/s) pvout: fltarr(130), $ ;; Analysis PV (1e-4 K m^2 (kg s)^-1) spvout: fltarr(130), $ ;; "scaled PV" (1e-4 1/s, ;; "vorticity units") eqlout: fltarr(130), $ ;; Equivalent Latitude from PV (deg) delhpv: fltarr(130), $ ;; magnitude of horizontal PV gradient ;; (normalized w/re average ;; at theta level) losdpv: fltarr(130), $ ;; PV gradient along Line-of-Sight ;; ((1e-4 K m^2 (kg s)^-1)/km) ;; The following 3 are in deg of Equivalent Latitude eqledge: fltarr(130), $ ;; Distance from vortex edge center [2] eqlinner: fltarr(130), $ ;; Distance from inner vortex edge eqlouter: fltarr(130), $ ;; Distance from outer vortex edge dyntrop: 0.0, $ ;; Dynamnical[1] Tropopause (km) [3] tmptrop: 0.0 } ;; WMO Tropopause (km) [4] ;[1] Bad data values will be set to the value in flt_fill_value ; ;[2] For the Vortex Edge Criteria fields (eql{edge,inner,outer}) value ; of 500 is given when the input data are good, but the vortex is not ; defined in that hemisphere at that potential temperature. ; ;[3] Dynamical tropopause - PV = 3.5x10e-6 K m^2 (kg s)^-1, 380K ; in tropics (+/-20deg) if value from PV is at pressure less than 65hPa. ; ;[4] WMO Tropopause definition - lowest altitude where dT/dz < 2 K/km ; and remains less then 2 K/km for at least 2 km above. END ;+ ;@file_comments ;
; NAME:  
; $Id: sage3_dmp_data__define.pro,v 1.1 2007/02/07 18:56:06 whdaffer Exp $
; AUTHOR:  William H. Daffer
;          818-354-4007
;          William.Daffer@jpl.nasa.gov
;- ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; ; $Log: sage3_dmp_data__define.pro,v $ ; Revision 1.1 2007/02/07 18:56:06 whdaffer ; Initial rev ; ; ; ;Copyright 2007, by the California Institute of Technology. ;ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. United States Government Sponsorship ;acknowledged. Any commercial use must be negotiated with the Office ;of Technology Transfer at the California Institute of Technology. ; ;This software may be subject to U.S. export control laws and ;regulations. By accepting this document, the user agrees to comply ;with all applicable U.S. export laws and regulations. User has the ;responsibility to obtain export licenses, or other export authority as ;may be required before exporting such information to foreign countries ;or providing access to foreign persons. ; ; ;;Footnotes: ;;[1]